Leveraging SSC & TrC for the Development of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Parks

May 31, 2019
A Side Event of the International Conference on ``Industrial Parks for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development``
UNIDO invites you to attend the “Leveraging South-South and Triangular Cooperation for the Development of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Parks” side-event in Lima, Peru.

Date and Time:

Tuesday 11 June, 12:15 – 13:45


Headquarters of the National Association of Industries (SNI), Lima, Peru

Main topics:

  • Best practices in South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation for sustainable industrial development
  • Case studies of industrial park development in Southern countries
  • Chinese industrial parks and their global implications
  • Innovative instruments and best practices in South-South investment and financing of industrial parks
  • Enhancing South-South cooperation by developing knowledge hubs and other models to capture and disseminate industrial parks best practices.


  • To foster partnerships with and among Southern countries to support the improvement of their industrial production capacity through the creation of sustainable industrial parks;
  • To provide an opportunity for Southern countries to share experience and gain further understanding on how Southern governments and stakeholders develop and manage industrial parks for the advancement of inclusive and sustainable industrial development.


Mr. ZHAO Jie, Coordinator for South-South and Triangular Cooperation & Industrial Development Officer, Department of Programmes, Partnerships and Field Integration, UNIDO Mr. ZHAO Jie is the Coordinator for South-South and Triangular Cooperation at UNIDO. He is also an Industrial Development Officer in the Department of Programmes, Partnerships and Field Integration, responsible for coordinating the Cross-Departmental Taskforce for Industrial Parks, and the Programmes for Country Partnership (PCPs) and Country Programmes (CPs), among others. He leads partnership development, PCPs/CPs coordination, promotion for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, fundraising and project management in the context of South-South and triangular cooperation. He has more than 15 years of professional experience in free trade agreement negotiations, partnership mobilization, operations integration and business development in the public sector and the United Nations.


Mr. Mario López Chávarri, Director General for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peru Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru and a Diplomatic career with 34 years of service, Mr. Mario López Chávarri has served as Ambassador of Peru in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Republic of Suriname, Co-operative Republic of Guyana and in the Republic of Panama. He has also served as Vice President and, subsequently, Acting President of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and Vice President of the Latin American Council of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System – SELA.   Mr. Antonio González Norris, Executive Director, Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI) Mr. Antonio González Norris holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and Master in Political Science and Government with a major in International Relations from the same university. He has served as Deputy Director General to the Headquarters in the National Institute of Planning (INP), Secretary General and Director of the Office of Cooperation and International Affairs of the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM). He has also been Director of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the former Superintendence of Healthcare Providers, General Secretary of the Ombudsman’s Office and General Manager of the National Institute of Development – INADE.   Mr. Jorge Chediek, Envoy of the Secretary-General on South-South Cooperation & Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) Mr. Jorge Chediek has been the Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation since October 2015 and the Envoy of the Secretary-General on South-South Cooperation since March 2016, leading United Nations system-wide promotion and coordination of South-South cooperation for development. Prior to this, he served as the Resident Coordinator/United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in Brazil (2010-2015).  In that capacity, he was also the Director of the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, UNDP’s global forum for policy dialogue and South-South learning on social development innovations.  He served as Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative in Peru (2005-2010); United Nations Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative in Nicaragua (2001-2005); Deputy Resident Representative in Cuba (1999-2001); Deputy Resident Representative in Uruguay (1996-1999); Programme Management Officer, Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States in New York (1994-1996); and Programme Officer and then Assistant Resident Representative in Turkey (1990-1994). Mr. Chediek he holds a Master of Science in Foreign Service (honors) from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and a Bachelor of Science (“Licenciado”) in political science from Catholic University in Buenos Aires, Argentina.   Mr. GUO Li, Director, UNIDO Centre for South-South Industrial Cooperation (UCSSIC/China) Mr. GUO Li has been the Director of the UNIDO Centre for South-South Industrial Cooperation (UCSSIC/China) since 2011. Previously, he served as the First Secretary of the Chinese Mission to UNIDO under the Permanent Mission of China to UN (2006-2010), Senior Programme Officer and focal point at UNDP/China Office for the formulation of the flagship programme “Building the all-round well-off (‘Xiaokang’) Society in China” (2004 – 2005), Deputy Secretary-General of China-Europe Association for Economic and Technical Cooperation under China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) (2002 – 2004), and Programme Officer and Deputy Division Chief with China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) (1987-2001).   Ms. SONG Yuyan, Director, Secretariat of Green Development League of National Economic and Technological Development Zones – TEDA ECO CENTRE Ms. SONG Yuyan is a Vice Director of the TEDA Environmental Protection Bureau and Director of the TEDA Eco Center. She accumulated a lot of experience on international cooperation through managing international projects including “Sino-France greenhouse gas emission project”, “Switch-Asia symbiosis project”, “Sino-Japan environmental research project”, “Sino-Italy environmental cooperation pilot project”, “EU environmental management cooperation program- TEDA Solid waste management system construction”. She also participated in “China industrial park environmental management pilot project” supported by UNEP. Ms. Song holds a Master of Environmental Planning and Management of Oxford Brookes University.   Ms. Lelise Neme, Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) Ms. Lelise Neme is the CEO of Industrial Parks Development Corporation of Ethiopia. She is also a member of core leadership of Oromia Democratic Party. Previously, Ms. Neme served as Director General at the Office of Oromia Industrial Development Agency and as Deputy CEO at the Oromia Industrial Park Development Corporation. She was a lecturer at Jimma University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering before assuming higher official government position.   Ms. LI Xian, Section Chief, China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Economic Bureau Ms. LI Xian is a Section Chief of the Bureau of Economy of China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. As a project leader, she successfully made China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City receive the approval of National New Industrial Demonstration Zone. She is focusing on economic affairs cooperation and analysis of energy saving and low carbon. Ms. LI holds a Master of Engineering of Tianjin University.   Ms. Meryem SGHIR, Industrial Development Officer, Department of Agri-Business, UNIDO Ms. Meryem SGHIR is an Industrial Development Officer at the Department of Agribusiness at UNIDO. She has over 10 years of professional experience in the field of technical cooperation, leading the conceptualization, formulation and implementation of technical cooperation projects in the area of agribusiness. Ms. Sghir supports the Food Systems and Nutrition Division in the development of projects portfolio in relation to value chain development, food security, food safety, job creation in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with a particular focus on innovative thematic such as environment and agro-industrial parks. She provides technical support and expertise to the Partnership Country Programmes (PCPs) of UNIDO for inclusive and sustainable industrial development. Ms. Sghir holds a MSc. in Food Chain Management from the Imperial College London and a BSc in Food Science, Economics and Marketing from the University of Reading.


Following the adoption of the Buenos Aires Outcome Document at the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) promulgated its Policy on South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC), which aims to align the Organization’s services with global initiatives and actions in the field of South-South cooperation and enhance the Organization’s capacities to provide SSTIC services. The further support and promotion of SSTIC at UNIDO includes, among others, engaging in SSTIC modalities throughout the Organization’s programmes and projects, and convening platforms and dialogues among various stakeholders focused on knowledge/experience-sharing. The side event “Leveraging South-South and Triangular Cooperation for the Development of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Parks” will be organized on the margins of the International Conference on “Industrial Parks for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development”, organized jointly by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Ministry of Production of Peru (PRODUCE) and the National Association of Industries of Peru (SNI) in the framework of the Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) for Peruthat seeks to accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development, building in a multi-stakeholder partnership led by the Ministry of Production.

Contact details:

Mr. ZHAO Jie, Industrial Development Officer & Coordinator for South-South and Triangular Cooperation, UNIDO J.ZHAO@unido.org Ms. Petra SCHWAGER, Senior Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO P.SCHWAGER@unido.org