- develop an artistic dimension in institutional education projects (Proyecto educativo institucional, PEI) by promoting a sense of belonging, cooperation and respect for differences within the learning communities; and
- enhance teaching skills by ‘problematizing’ teaching practices; that is, using case studies to solve an issue or a problem to contribute to children’s development in terms of creativity, emotional expressions and affection.
Mexico-Uruguay Early Childhood Initiative: Art, Human Rights and Citizen Coexistence
March 17, 2019
The city of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico has been one of the municipalities most affected by violence over the last few years. High homicide rates have left a significant number of orphaned children. They are neglected by their families and teachers and also by public policies. Children and adolescents experience family- and gang-related violence, stress, anguish and anxiety, as well as other disorders and addictions. These issues are reflected in school violence, bullying and other behavioural problems.
Towards a Solution
To address this challenge, Mexico and Uruguay developed an initiative ”Early Childhood: Art, human rights and citizen coexistence” to strengthen human rights education from early childhood through art in schools located in violence-prone areas intended to reduce all forms of social discrimination.
The initiative targeted children from 3-8 years old, their families, teachers and tutors and sought to achieve the following SDGs: SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
Each participant/partner – Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, and Ciudad Juárez – addressed these objectives from different curricular and methodological strategies, which strengthened project ownership and helped improve the results. The starting point in both countries was to invite schools to join the project by carrying out activities to prevent violence and discrimination.
The main project activities were structured around two intervention areas. The goals were to: