101 Learning Session held for Data to Policy Network for Policymakers

By April 30, 2024 June 11th, 2024 Data to Policy Network, News

On Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, an insightful “Data to Policymaking 101” session took place, designed to equip policymakers with essential innovative thinking skills to navigate the data-to-policy journey. During this 60-minute interactive learning experience, participants received a comprehensive step-by-step guide from the Data to Policy Navigator. The session actively engaged attendees through breakout groups, where they honed their skills in framing policy problems using real-world scenarios. Additionally, recent examples of data-driven policymaking were explored, providing participants with valuable insights into how data is being leveraged to shape decision-making processes.

The Data to Policymaking 101 learning session helped members of the Data to Policy Network enhance their design thinking skills through hands-on activities focused on using data to solve practical challenges. It was inspiring to witness how many policymakers are already utilizing diverse data sources to inform their decision-making processes. The session highlighted several powerful examples:

  • 🗺️ Geospatial data is being used to map the locations of immigrants in rural areas, enabling better access to public resources like kindergartens and local government offices.
  • 🌱 Land use data is being harnessed by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to guide key policy decisions related to agricultural practices and food security.
  • 📱 Social media data is being monitored to track the far-right’s anti-climate agenda, empowering local officials to develop effective legislative approaches to combat misinformation and promote environmental sustainability.

If you’re a policymaker interested in joining this global community and benefiting from peer-to-peer learning, tailored UN support, customized learning sessions, and more,  sign up for the Data to Policy Network today!