
UNESCO Mobilizes Global Network of Experts to Support Creative Sectors Globally

December 21, 2023

30 international experts met to discuss global strategies to support the emergence of dynamic creative sectors in developing countries

UNESCO convened 30 international experts to discuss global strategies to support the emergence of dynamic creative sectors in developing countries during a 3-day training workshop in Buenos Aires from 29 November to 1 December 2023.

The experts are members of the latest cohort of the EU/UNESCO Expert Facility supporting the UNESCO programme “Advancing evidence-based policies and actions, and supporting policy making to enhance the contribution of creative sectors and industries to sustainable development” funded by the European Union.

Guided by the UNESCO 2005 Convention on the promotion and protection of the diversity of cultural expressions, participants were trained on concepts and resources to assist national authorities in creating favourable institutional and professional environments to promote the diversity of cultural expressions and development of their creative economies.

The workshop, which also included the participation of cultural officers from UNESCO Field Offices in different regions, also served as a platform for exchange to discuss the implementation of capacity development, advising on cultural policies, providing expertise and peer-to-peer support for the enhancement of creative sectors, and to create a community of practice.

The EU/UNESCO Expert Facility was established by UNESCO in 2011 to assist countries with the elaboration of policies and strategies for the cultural and creative industries.

The Expert Facility is comprised of 54 international experts (independent consultants, academics and researchers, governmental officials and civil servants, cultural operators, managers of cultural institutions or associations, etc.) with recognized expertise in UNESCO’s 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

Members have in-depth expertise on issues related to creative industries, cultural entrepreneurship, cultural policy, cultural statistics and indicators, digital, artistic freedom, media diversity, trade, status of the artist, gender equality and intellectual property rights.

“We were honored to host this workshop at the historic Villa Ocampo in Argentina, which is an Antenna Office of UNESCO’s Regional Office in Montevideo,” said Mr. Ernesto Fernandez Polcuch, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office in Montevideo.

“As the former house of Victoria Ocampo, one of Argentina’s greatest cultural figures, this continues to be a place for intercultural dialogue and exchange, and provided a perfect venue to discuss examples of good policy practices for promoting cultural diversity on local, national and regional levels”, he added.

Participants had the opportunity to visit the project “Abasto Barrio Cultural“, in which a former railway shed for the transfer of goods to the city’s supply market was converted and now functions as a vibrant centre for contemporary art. Since 2019, actions have been promoted to invigorate the independent cultural sector in the area.

Experts were able to see first-hand how the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires implements an innovative cultural policy strategy based on community participation.

Following the training, experts will be called upon to support UNESCO projects in developing countries seeking to establish new regulatory frameworks that strengthen the cultural and creative industries and promote South-South cooperation.

Originally posted by UNESCO. To access the original article, please click here.