UNOSSC, UNDP Chile and UNDP China Launch Cities Pilot Initiative in Santiago, Chile to Promote Sustainable and Low-carbon Transportation

December 19, 2022

13 December 2022, Beijing: The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Offices in China and Chile have announced the launch of a new Cities Pilot on “South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Promoting Sustainable and Low-carbon Transportation in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago.” The pilot will involve close collaboration with the Metropolitan Regional Government of Santiago (GORE), Chile, the Beijing Normal University (BNU) and partners in the Municipal Government of Hangzhou, China.

Transportation is a leading service industry for the national economy and social development, and it is a vital part of achieving sustainable development goals. Despite its socio-economic importance, transportation accounts for about 23% of total global greenhouse gas emissions and is one of the fastest-growing industries.

With funding support from UNOSSC and implementation support from the UNDP Country Office in Chile and China, the pilot project aims to improve green public transportation modality in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, to promote sustainable low-carbon transportation based on local contexts and demands through digital technology, capacity improvement, awareness raising, and city-to-city exchanges; and to explore potential collaboration between the Municipal of Hangzhou, China and the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile.

This pilot project will be implemented under the UNOSSC Cities Project, a global initiative with funding support from the Government of China. It aims to promote South-South and triangular cooperation at the local level to advance sustainable development globally. Following a demand-driven, participatory approach to engage local authorities and stakeholders, the Cities Project provides streamlined support and services, which include needs assessment, capacity development, advisory and advocacy support, technology and expertise exchanges, and implementation and co-financing support.

A thematic South-South Cities cluster dedicated on Sustainable Transport and Clean Air was also initiated at this virtual event, South-South Galaxy hosts the South-South Cities Clusters, a virtual community space dedicated to facilitating information sharing, knowledge exchange, and networking among cities in developing countries, UN agencies and financing mechanisms. In response to cities’ needs and interests, seven thematic clusters have been proposed, topics including COVID-19 response and public health; disaster risk reduction; sustainable tourism; sustainable agriculture; E-commerce; sustainable transport & air quality, and waste management.