South-South Cooperation is considered an important framework for the investment of the Tunisian experience gained over the past four decades. Tunisia has achieved great progress in various sectors, including agriculture, tourism, industry and mining. The leadership and the quality of education have contributed greatly to the renaissance of Tunisia. Tunisian’s experience has been used to formulate, follow up and conduct programmes and projects for neighboring African countries benefiting from donor countries, and regional and international institutions, with a view to developing their capacities in areas and sectors in which Tunisia has acquired experience and comparative advantage.
The Tunisian Agency for Technical Cooperation ATCT is the national focal point for South-South cooperation in Tunisia, The Agency undertakes the follow-up of the triangular cooperation programs with a number of supporting partners, it also coordinates with the national authorities in order to benefit from the advantage of the opportunities in many fields and transfer the successful Tunisian experiences, as well as unleash the role Tunisia can play in transferring experiences and knowledge in the South countries and within the region.
The stocktaking aimed at exploring and defining Tunisia’s long history, strategic preferences and priorities in South-South cooperation, in addition to focusing on the great experiences and potentialities that Tunisia has been providing to many countries in the region within theframeworkofSouth-SouthandTriangular Cooperation SS&TC.