Promoting SSTC in Support of COVID-19 Recovery and Sustainable Development through UNOSSC Projects, 18 October 2022

October 11, 2022

Under the framework of the Cities Project and Global South-South Development Center (GSSDC), on 18 October 2022 the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) will co-host a webinar to showcase innovative local solutions and initiatives, facilitate experience-based knowledge sharing and partnership brokering through harnessing and promoting South-South Cooperation modality at the sub-national/city level and centers of excellence across the Global South.

To watch the event, please click the video above.

The pre-recorded event will bring together a number of project partners from countries and cities of the Global South in order to showcase local solutions and innovative practices through the implementation of sectoral pilot projects in the field, facilitation of knowledge sharing and South-South partnerships, as well as the  promotion of the South-South Cities Clusters under South-South Galaxy, an online platform and community of practice for sectoral development cooperation, mutual learning and partnership building among cities and localities of the Global South.


  • To present the role and contribution of UNOSSC-CICETE’s SSTC projects to support sustainable post-COVID 19 pandemic recovery at the national and sub-national/ city levels;
  • To share local solutions and innovative practices through engagement of local project implementing partners for South-South mutual learning, as well as sectoral technology and knowledge sharing through centers of excellence of the Global South;
  • To expand interregional exchanges and partnerships brokering for sustainable and innovative SSTC among countries, cities and centers of excellence in the Global South.


Moderator: Ms. Muriel Obon, Project and Event Management Consultant, UNOSSC

1. Opening remarks
  • Ms. Xiaojun Grace Wang, Trust Fund Director, UNOSSC
  • Mr. Yi Zhang, Deputy Director- General, CICETE
2. Presentation of Cities Project knowledge products (videos)
  • Innovative Experiences of Cities: Environmental sustainability and climate action through South-South and Triangular Cooperation
  • Spotlighting Cities and Other Sub-national COVID-19 Responses for South-South and Triangular Cooperation
3. Presentation of local solutions and innovative practices by local pilot partners
  • Pilot projects from Cities Project
    • SSTC for sustainable tourism in Mexico World Heritage Cities (WHC), Mexico
      • Mr. Jorge Ortega, General Director, National Association of Mexican World Heritage Cities (ANCMPM)
      • Mr. Ricardo Rodríguez Dives, Advisor to the Municipal President, City of Campeche
    • SSTC for sustainable waste management in Koidu City, Sierra Leone
      • Mr. Komba Mathew Sam, Mayor of Koidu New Sembehun City Council
      • Mr. Ansu Bangura, Waste Management Consultant, UN-Habitat
  • Pilot projects from GSSDC
    • Promotion of Small Hydro Power in Nepal and Southern Asian Countries
      • Mr. Qiu Dale, Senior Programme Officer, International Center on Small Hydro Power
    • Building Bridges of Knowledge in LAC: South-South Exchange of Experiences to Strengthen Resilience and Adaptation of Food Systems Facing Climate Change
      • Mr. Francisco Mello, Head of the Center for Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
4. Presentation of South-South Cities Clusters (video) 5. Launch of new pilot projects with UNDP Countries offices:
  • Cities Project
    • South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Disaster Risk Governance in Lebanon
    • South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Promoting Sustainable and Low-carbon Transportation in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile
    • Knowledge Sharing on Practical Technology of China-Tanzania Soybean Value Chain for Agricultural Sustainable Development;
    • Capacity Building on Comprehensive Management and Technology Innovation of Ecosystem Integration in Lake Victoria Basin;
    • Research on Rural Electrification Enhancement Based on Photovoltaic Technologies in Amazonas Region of Peru;
    • Building bridges of knowledge in LAC: South-South exchange of experiences to strengthen resilience and adaptation of food systems facing climate change
6. Closing remarks
  • Mr. James George, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP China