UNOSSC Virtual Inter-regional Dialogue and Stocktaking for Advancing SSTC in the Arab States, Europe and the CIS, 06-08 April 2021

March 23, 2021

COVID-19 Response and Recovery: Public Policy Leadership and Institutional Arrangements – 2021 Inter-regional dialogue and stocktaking for advancing South-South and triangular cooperation in the Arab States, Europe and the CIS

  • When: 06 to 08 April 3:00PM (Istanbul time) 8:00AM (New York time)
  • Report: to download the final event report, please click here.

The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) Division for Arab States, Europe and the CIS, Istanbul is organizing an inter-regional policy dialogue and stocktaking on public policy leadership and institutional arrangements for advancing South-South and triangular cooperation in the Arab States, Europe and the CIS, within the overall context of COVID-19 response and recovery, Decade of Action, UN Development System Reform, and post-BAPA + 40 Conference.

Expected participants are the Directors-General for Development Cooperation and National focal points for SSTC from Arab States, Europe and the CIS; Senior policy makers and public policy experts/practitioners; Senior UN Directors/managers at the regional level, Resident Coordinators, technical staff of UN agencies, IFIs and other stakeholders etc.


  • Identify key public policy challenges in the context of COVID-19 response and recovery, current and emerging demands for support.
  • Deliberate on opportunities for strengthened inter and intra-regional collaboration, through evidence-based examples and partnership modalities, and recommend actions to overcome challenges and bottlenecks.
  • Discuss the role of national architecture for South-South, triangular and east-east cooperation, key ingredients for making those institutions more effective and efficient.
  • Discuss how the UN system entities can, in a more systematic and coherent manner, support South-South, triangular and east-east efforts of partner countries both at the regional and country level, thus enhancing the impact of UN operational activities for development.
  • Serve as a platform for sharing of experience, networking, finding synergies, complementarity and optimization of capacities and resources towards collective action in the Arabs States, Europe and the CIS.
