by Raphael | Oct 12, 2022 | Blog
Suddenly it turns dark in Maroua’s, North Cameroon, streets as the local dwellers are having their evening snack of roasted fish. It is another power failure, and the restaurant owners are busy pulling out their rechargeable lamps, candles and torches to once again...
by Naveeda | Jan 20, 2022 | Publications, UNCDF Featured Publications POM
RIAFCO, an innovative network of LGFIs from across Africa, was created in 2014 with precisely this aim in mind. The network, which currently has seven members, seeks to foster peer-to-peer institutional and technical exchange, to promote inspiring practice, to...
by UNOSSC | May 17, 2019 | UNFPA
Challenge Niger has the highest fertility rate in the world and one of the highest maternal mortality rates (648 maternal deaths/100,000 living births in 2006; 545/100,000 in 2011). A decision-making space has been created where husbands can encourage others to...
by UNOSSC | Mar 17, 2019 | Solution
Challenge Intellectual property (IP) rights establish a secure legal framework for investment in and the commercialization of innovation and creativity, enabling firms, including innovative start-ups, to navigate the perilous process of transforming an idea into a...
by UNOSSC | Mar 17, 2019 | Solution
Challenge LDCs and SIDS in Asia and the Pacific, and in Africa, share a number of structural challenges and geophysical constraints that result in disproportionately large economic, social and environmental challenges that hinder their development. These countries...